Combust Installation


You need Apache 1.3.x with mod_perl 1.2.x, Perl 5.8 and the CPAN modules from the following section. Combust can be installed and run as any user. (As long as it doesn't bind to port 80.) We recommend using a front-end Apache2 proxy on port 80.

If the sites you work on use caching you will also need to run a MySQL server.

The scripts are currently hardcoded to find the Apache with mod_perl statically linked in /home/perl/apache1/bin/httpd and perl in /home/perl/bin/perl.

If you run a Linux installation not unlike RedHat 7.x you might be able to use our perl/apache/subversion installation from Contact ask or robert @ for rsync instructions.

Install modules from CPAN

/home/perl/bin/perl -MCPAN -e shell


Not all sites require all the above modules, but its easier for us to list the superset.

You can also install Bundle::Combust to get a bundle that contains all the necessary modules.

Apache2 Proxy setup

The most common mod_perl setup is to have a light proxy in front of the mod_perl setup. Using Apache 2.x for the proxy is somewhat simpler than using 1.3 because 2.0 has the "ProxyPreserveHost" feature. If for development you just want to run Combust on a high port and not have it available via port 80 you can skip the proxy setup.

Add something like the following to your Apache 2.0 httpd.conf file:

  ProxyVia On
  ProxyPreserveHost On

  <VirtualHost *>
    ServerAlias *
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule (.*) http://localhost:8225$1 [P]

This example is what I use on my development server where all the sites are configured under the domain and the Combust server runs on port 8225 (configured in combust.conf).

Create a user and get the goods

  adduser combust
  su - combust
  rm .bashrc

    svn co .


    svn co .

  svn co

  # setup configuration from the sample conf
  cp combust.conf.sample combust.conf
  emacs combust.conf  

  CBROOT=`pwd` ./bin/run_httpd

The read-only username and password for the svn server are both "guest". [This is not true on]

/combust/branches/stable is usually an older version of Combust in less flux. The /combust/trunk version is the one currently in development, often with new features, support for more platforms and so on, but also with newer and more interesting bugs.

You might want to put bin/cron_hourly into the combust users crontab. In any case then it should be executed at least once.

You can test the validity of your combust.conf, httpd.tmpl, and site templates by running bin/make_configs

Note: You don't have to run combust as a seperate user, but it helps keep things separate. For development, you can stick it almost anywhere.. one install we know about lives in ~/projects/newweb/.

Update Combust

You should run "svn update" once in a while to update your copy of combust. When you install you can install the latest development version instead of the latest stable version by using

  svn co .

You can use "svn switch" to switch back and forth. For example to switch to the latest stable version you would use

  svn switch

Use a different document root on the fly

Adding "?root=user" to a url will make Combust use the ~user/docs/path as the document root when loading templates. For example then I'd use

to load templates from ~ask/docs/live on my development server.

Combust sets a cookie to keep using the new root until told otherwise (by for example setting root=/ to go back to the default).

How to add another site

Add to combust.conf

Add a new section like the following to $CBROOT/combust.conf

  sites = newsite, oldsite, othersite 

  servername =
Add a section to httpd.tmpl

See the existing configurations there for examples. You most likely want to set it up to use the Combust::Control::Basic controller.

Add documents

Add the directory docs/live/newsite/ and drop your documents in there. Setup a default page style etc in docs/live/newsite/tpl/defaults. See some of the old site configurations for examples.

Database Setup

CREATE TABLE `combust_cache` ( `id` varchar(250) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '', `type` varchar(128) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '', `created` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `purge_key` varchar(64) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin default NULL, `data` mediumblob NOT NULL, `metadata` mediumblob, `serialized` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `expire` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`type`), KEY `expire_idx` (`expire`), KEY `purge_idx` (`purge_key`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;


Combust is copyright 2003-2004 Ask Bjørn Hansen and Develooper LLC. See the LICENSE file in the main combust directory for the full details.

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